Xtreme Paintball
Paintball is a sport in which players compete, in teams or individually, to eliminate opponents by tagging them with capsules containing non-toxic, water-soluble dye and gelatin shell outside (referred to as paintballs) propelled from a device called a paintball marker (gun). You have the option of playing with others or scheduling a private group if you only want to play against members in your own group.
One of the biggest concerns of potential paintball players is that they are afraid it will hurt, so Low Impact gives us a way to introduce new players without the full impact of the standard .68 caliber paintball. It is also a great option for younger players. With the Low Impact .50 caliber paintball, we allow players as young as 8 years old to play.
Airsoft is a sport in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting each other with plastic bbs launched via replica firearms called Airsoft guns. Gameplay varies from short-term skirmishes, organized scenarios, C.Q.B., field, military simulations (MilSim), or reenactments. Our rental fleet includes airsoft rifles. Walk-on play is Saturday and Sunday.
Gellyball is a new revolution in the world of shooting games that is very similar to Airsoft or Paintball but with a much lower impact. The soft, water-based Gellyballs bounce off of their target leaving no stain, mess, or sting. Gellyball blasters hold around 750 shots without reloading!
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